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The AUTOLOGIC 4-CHANNEL PICOSCOPE 4425 STANDARD KIT is currently out of stock

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Pico Automotive Diagnostic Scopes and Kits

A PicoScope turns your PC into a powerful diagnostic tool, letting you see the changing signals inside wires directly on screen.

The NEW PicoScope 4425 scopes house an array of additional evolved benefits, including push-fit probes configured and ready to use with PicoBNC+ Probe Recognition, and Scope-powered PicoBNC+ probes.

Scope Features

  • Fast setup with PicoBNC+ probe recognition
  • Scope-powered PicoBNC+ probes (no more batteries)
  • Fast sampling and deep memory for intermittent faults
  • Future-proof with PicoBNC+ interface (also compatible with BNC)
  • Free software updates for life, and full access to Pico support and resources
The new push-fit probes and PicoBNC+ probe recognition feature will configure the pre-sets for you so that the probe is ready to use. The PicoBNC+ range of current clamps are even powered via the scope. This means no batteries required or annoying interruptions of battery drain tests.
The PicoBNC+ connectors have introduced active diagnostics. An evolution that opens the door to a whole new series of intelligent probes that reinforces PicoScope as the most intuitive, capable and future-proof automotive oscilloscope on the market. Using a PicoScope has never been faster, easier or more reliable


4 Channel Standard Kit includes:

1 20 A/60 A AC/DC current clamp
1 Standard (ATC) fuse extension lead
2 10:1 attenuator
4 Flexible back-pinning probe (red)
2 Multimeter probe (black)
2 Small crocodile/gator clip (red)
4 Shrouded to Unshrouded Adapter (red)
1 USB cable 1.8m
1 Carry case 1 200 A/2000 A AC/DC current clamp
1 Mini (ATC) fuse extension lead 2 Secondary ignition pickup

4 Flexible back-pinning probe (black)                           

2 Multimeter probe (red)
2 Battery Clip (Red)
2 Secondary Ignition Pickup (automotive test lead)
1 Automotive software CD-ROM
4 Premium test leads
1 COP and signal probe
1 Back-pinning probe set
1 S–hook
2 Small crocodile/gator clip (black)
2 Battery Clip (black)
1 HT extension test lead
1 Automotive Quick Start guide               


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